At a acertain point, he senses that she's not really there. That's the moment when they decide to separate. And from then on, she wants to win him back. It's precisely at that moment that she falls in love with him.
amanda 和 marc 两个贱人太喜欢了 @2009-01-12 14:42:43 @2009-01-12 14:42:43
這個片很厲害重看一遍才懂前面如履薄冰後面情迷意亂是在講真正的愛來臨的時候會讓你猝不及防會讓你迷失、困惑會讓你狂亂而當這個愛消失的時候你會明白它的珍貴失去的苦痛會助你成長為何要call me by your name呢因為在真正的愛裡面仙女挽起裙子迈开腿坐下去的是不分彼此的你與我是融為一體的結尾那裡他突然說好想你然後開始喊自己的名字電話另一頭也喊自己的名字仙女挽起裙子迈开腿坐下去的是回憶仙女挽起裙子迈开腿坐下去的是確認也是召喚於是他說出了那句驚心動魄的I remember everything——正是「电影在线观看」的失去讓這份愛永恆了